2025 MYRCA Sundogs Voting Ballots
2025 MYRCA Northern Lights Voting Ballots
2025 MYRCA Voting Summary (Both Sundogs and Northern Lights)
Why Vote?
Voting encourages students to express their opinion on reading material and encourages a love by reading by giving them a voice.
When to vote
Voting will begin on April 11, 2025. The voting period will remain open until April 18, 2025. Sign up for our newsletter for important updates.
Who can vote?
All young people, residents of Manitoba, in grades 4 – 9 are eligible to vote. Students must read a minimum of 3 books from the MYRCA Sundogs list to be able to vote for the Sundogs category. Students must read a minimum of 3 books from the MYRCA Northern Lights list to be able to vote in the Northern Lights category. The grade levels stated are interest levels and students wishing to read both lists or a list outside their grade level are welcome to do so. Parents and teachers should be consulted if a student wishes to read books outside their grade level.
How To Vote?
Teachers: Download the above 2025 MYRCA Sundog Reader’s Ballot and the 2025 MYRCA Northern Lights Ballot and have your students fill it out by having them check off the titles they have read and write down the title of the one they choose as the winner. Then fill out the 2025 Voting Summary by calculating how many times each book has been read and how many votes each book received. (Links will become live closer to the voting period).
Visit our website during the voting period to access the online link to the electronic survey. Children may not fill in the survey, only their teachers, parents or guardians may complete the survey on their behalf. The online link will appear on April 11, 2025 on our home page and will be removed on April 18, 2025.
Parents: You may use the instructions from the Teachers section to fill out the ballot online.
Voting Instructions:
Voters must check off the titles they have read and/or heard read and add up the total amount of books.
If their total is 3-5, the voter may write down the title of the book they choose as their winner.
If their total is between 6-9, the voter may write down 2 titles of the books they choose as their favorite(s).
If their total is 10, the voter may write down 3 titles of the books they choose as their favorite (s).
Voters who are eligible to vote twice or three times may vote for the same book if they choose to do so. They would simply write down the same title in the provided space on the ballot.